Let's give a warm welcome to Jessica, owner of The Hook Nook

All About Jessica
where are you located?
Salem, OR
Do you have a job outside of The Hook Nook?
No, I work from home and help manage the home and our two kiddos
What’s your dream vacation spot?
Ooohh, there are MANY places I want to visit, but my dream vacation would be Hawaii with my husband if I can get him to fly over the ocean.
What’s your favorite color(s)?
I love pink!
What’s your favorite food/meal?
Give me all the pizza, cheeseburgers and cheesecake.
What’s your least favorite food/meal?
Seafood, even though I grew up in the PNW..

Do you have a favorite movie or TV show?
I don’t watch a whole lot of tv nowadays, but The Office has always been a show I can watch anytime! I love me some Dwight.
What’s a quote that you live by?
A new mantra I’ve found myself relying on lately is, “one thing at a time.”
Do you have other hobbies (other than the one you specialize in now)?
There are MANY more things I love beyond crochet. I love spending time in my garden, reading, listening to music.. I’m eager for the day I can make for the simple enjoyment of making, instead of needing to accomplish a task.
What’s 1 (or more) weird/strange fact(s) about you?
Hmmm.. I’ve never visited outside the USA and I’m incredibly sad about that. I also was on my high school dance team and we won state championships in 2007! Lastly, I’m a professional cupcake eater. Not really, but I’m really good at eating cupcakes.
If you had a theme song, WHAT would it be?
Oh DANG. I can’t choose one.. I am a big time lyrics person and many songs suit me and encourage me at different times. Some of my favorites that feel relatable are 1) Vacation by Dirty Heads, 2) This is Your Life by Switchfoot, 3) Eyes To The Sky by Jon Bellion, 4) Footprints by Sia, 5) My Future by Billie Eilish

What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done in your life?
I feel like my entire life has been spontaneous – ha! I mean, honestly. But one thing that usually stuns people is that my husband and I were only engaged for 10 days and celebrate 11 years of marriage this winter!
Do you have a favorite holiday?
Definitely Christmas. Without a doubt.
Do you have a favorite season?
Fall!! I love being cozy and crisp air and my birthday is in October!
What inspires or motivates you?
Honestly, I see how hard work pays off so I continue to take steps each day towards my goals so that one day I will be able to live slowly.
If you could do one thing for the world (people or environment), what would it be?
Allow each person to experience the kind of love we seek from others within ourselves so that we can meet one another in a season of fullness and can experience each other without lack.
Anything else?
I married my tattoo artist when I was 20, we have two amazing kiddos that literally are the joys of my life. For my 30th birthday my husband surprised me with my own ball python snake which I had been wanting for the past couple years and had a name picked out. Bas (short for Basilisk) is my favorite little cuddly dude that I was able to save and rehabilitate! We also have a bearded dragon named Chase, from FGTEEV on YouTube.
All About The Hook Nook
How long have you been crocheting?
I taught myself to crochet in 2011 when my daughter was a baby.
When did you start your business or hobby?
I technically started the fall/winter of 2011, but opened my Etsy shop in February 2012 selling handmade items.
Why did you start?
I learned to crochet so I could make my baby special items, and I opened my shop so that I didn’t have to rely on my husband to buy my yarn for me since I was going through quite a bit
What’s your favorite thing you’ve made?
This actually isn’t a fair question… lol. There are MANY fiber projects I’ve made that I’m immensely proud of and I feel like it would be picking a favorite child. You just can’t because they all have such amazing and unique memories and details. For the sake of the question I’ll say my favorite is the Nolan Top only because it was the first garment I ever designed and set me off in a direction I wouldn’t have discovered otherwise.
What’s a piece of advice for someone just starting out in your field?
Be excited about each baby step, and celebrate each win. Everyone has to learn and start at the beginning and, truly, being able to work slowly allows you to continue to be able to manage your plate. Growing too quickly can easily cause you to feel burnt out and overwhelmed. Enjoy the journey, there is no finish line️
Does your company have a mascot?
No, I don’t have a mascot, but my pink hair was pretty much a huge staple and now that quarantine happened, my pink hair is no more. So hopefully people still like me. (The answer is yes! We love you pink hair or not)
What was your most memorable success?
I’m incredibly proud of many experiences and opportunities I’ve had, but I do have to say that being able to write my own book and become an author was something I have wanted since middle school and this October my first book will officially be published. It’s a feeling I can’t even describe.
What was your most memorable challenge?
Absolutely my mental health. My anxiety and depression stems from teen years and only got worse after having children and not getting seen for postpartum depression and anxiety. It took me ignoring the problems for many years until I hyperventilated one night and couldn’t breathe for 2-3 minutes and felt suicidal. The next day I called my doctor and began my journey of accepting that I needed medication to be able to be healthy. My life is finally something that looks bright and I’m eager to get up each day. I’m proud of that hard work.
How did or are you overcoming this challenge?
I didn’t let other people’s opinions of medications affect me any longer as their opinion didn’t actually make me feel better. Meds did.
What’s next for your business (the future)?
Taking each day at a time and figuring that out as we go.

The Future for The Hook Nook
What’s your latest project?
I have been able to create new kits on my website for my crochet patterns and other designs from other designers on the blog!! This will be a long-term work in progress as I get new samples worked up using my The Hook Nook yarns and patterns switched to a new template.. But I’m proud.
Contact Information for The Hook Nook
Go and give Jessica some LOVE! Like, share, or buy a whole bunch of her lovely yarn. Remember, supporting Jessica is supporting a small business and a local maker’s dream.
Here are her links:
Instagram: @the.hook.nook
Etsy: TheHookNook12
Facebook: The Hook Nook
Yarn & Notions: The Hook Nook Collection OR JoAnns Online
If you’d like to purchase her scrumptious yarn, I know Jessica would appreciate it. She works hard every day packaging every order herself! Personally, I own her Interchangeable Crochet Hook Set. IT’S AMAZING!!
Comment below if you have any questions for Jessica or The Hook Nook.
And THANK YOU so much for reading and joining along on our Maker Spotlight. You can see a new maker right here EVERY Monday. I have some AMAZING makers lined up and I cannot wait to share them with you.
xoxo, Lindsey
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