Let's give a warm welcome to Jennifer, owner of Unravelled Knits & Stitches!

All About Jennifer
Do you have a job outside of this?
Stay at home mom for 13 years! Undoubtedly the hardest, but most rewarding job I have had!
What’s your dream vacation spot?
Anywhere hot! Hawaii comes to mind! We have a long enough winter here in Ontario that any chance for extra sunshine is a bonus.
What’s your favorite color(s)?
I love neutral colours. Kinda boring, I know, but easy to add a pop of colour when you want!
What’s your favorite food/meal?
Lately our favourite takeout has been Greek from a tiny hole in the wall. Anyone else having more takeout during the pandemic?? I love to cook, but I’m burnt out!
What’s your least favorite food/meal?
Anything too spicy (I’m a wimp).
Do you have a favorite movie or TV show?
Right now I’ve been trying to watch more funny, light shows. Superstore, Brooklyn 99 and The Golden Girls are my go to feel good shows. When I can handle something deeper I love police dramas like Shetland.
What’s a quote that you live by?
“I will walk by faith even when I cannot see” 2 Corinthians 5:7
Do you have other hobbies (other than the one you specialize in now)?
I’ve been learning to crochet
during the pandemic! What did people do before YouTube???
What’s 1 (or more) weird/strange fact(s) about you?
I have an incredible sense of smell and it drives
my husband nuts. I have an identical twin sister who is a crazy good knitter.

If you had a theme song, WHAT would it be?
Joy by For King and Country. (Very relevant to our circumstances today!) It’s about choosing to find joy in the difficult times.
What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done in your life?
Bought our forever home when we weren’t even looking to move. We moved one street over from our first home.
Do you have a favorite holiday?
Do you have a favorite season?
Definitely summer! Backyard fires, BBQs, swimming….all way better
than shoveling snow!
What inspires or motivates you?
My children. I want to be able to show them that failing is ok and it’s
a part of life.
If you could do one thing for the world (people or environment), what would it be?
Raise my kids to be kind humans!
Anything else?
I have been married for almost 16 years, and I have three kids (13, 10 & 8). I live in the same small town that I grew up in which is an hour north of Toronto, ON. We are surrounded by farms aI love living in Canada, but I really don’t love the snow! We have one dog named Finnegan. He’s named after a puppet from a popular Canadian kids TV show from the 80s (Mr Dressup). He is a French

All About Unravelled Knits & Stitches
How long have you been knitting?
I learned as a kid, but only started back up 3 – 4 years ago
When did you start Unravelled Knits & Stitches?
Why did you start?
I wanted to be have a “job” but still be able to be available for my son, who has ASD. Lots of liasing with the school and his programs required being available all the time. A full
time job wasn’t practical at the time.
What’s your favorite thing you’ve made?
A pair of custom made mittens for a young boy with autism. His father reached out to see if I could make mittens that didn’t have a separate thumb section as he had sensory difficulties.
What’s a piece of advice for someone just starting out in your field?
Don’t compare yourself to other makers who have been building their business for years! It can be overwhelming!
What was your most memorable success?
My first craft show!
What was your most memorable challenge?
Pivoting to adapt to a year of no craft shows in 2020
which were my main source of income.
How did or are you overcoming this challenge?
Stepping outside my comfort zone and being more present on social media and building up my Etsy shop
What’s next for the future?
I would love to be able to offer more knitting patters
(maybe even crochet) and continue to build my brand!

The Future for Unravelled Knits & Stitches
What’s your latest project?
The Unravelled Home Collection (trivets, plant cozies, dish cloths, blankets, etc)
Where did the inspiration come from for this project?
I wanted to be able to offer off season products
Have there been any challenges with this project?
Having the time to create new patters while still finding time for building stock for fall/winter, maintain my social media, and be present for my kids who are back to virtual learning for the foreseeable future.
Will this be free or paid?
Where can we find this project when it’s finished?
When will it be finished?
Trivets (ready made) and the pattern will be released by the end of April. I will have a staggered release for the other items in this collection!

Go and give Jennifer some LOVE! Like, share, or check out her beautiful patterns and finished beanies. They are so beautiful!
Remember, supporting Jennifer is supporting a small business and a local maker’s dream.
Here are the links:
Instagram: @unravelled_knits_and_stitches
Etsy: Click Here
Comment below if you have any questions for Jennifer or Unravelled Knits & Stitches
And THANK YOU so much for reading and joining along on our Maker Spotlight. You can see a new maker right here EVERY Monday. I have some AMAZING makers lined up and I cannot wait to share them with you.
xoxo, Lindsey
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