Let's give a warm welcome to Katlyn, owner of Oak + Willow LLC.

All About Katlyn
Where are you located?
Chicago, IL
Do you have a job outside of Oak + Willow?
Stay at home mama to two toddler boys (3 and 4)
What’s your dream vacation spot?
Definitely Ireland!
What’s your favorite color(s)?
Anything earthy and neutral! Green is my favorite 🙂
What’s your favorite food/meal?
Tacos!! I’ve been a vegetarian my whole life but I love Mexican (with no meat of course!) I used to live in Texas and Tex Amex food is the best.
What’s your least favorite food/meal?
I can’t stand mushrooms!
Do you have a favorite movie or TV show?
Gilmore Girls but I also love to watch The Office and Supernatural
What’s a quote that you live by?
“Fill your life with experiences, not things.”
Do you have other hobbies?
Cross stitching, photography, and reading. (I love reading cozy mysteries!)
What’s 1 weird strange fact about you?
I don’t have a middle name! My first name is hyphenated…my first name is actually Katlyn-Patricia.

If you had a theme song, WHAT would it be?
“Sleep on the floor” by The Lunineers
What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done in your life?
My husband and I are spontaneous travelers. We LOVE traveling and have moved so many times. But before kids we would decide to go somewhere that day and by the night we were packed up and gone!
Do you have a favorite holiday?
Christmas! I love the warm feeling behind Christmas and family traditions.
Do you have a favorite season?
Fall is my favorite because of the colors of changing trees…and beanie/sweater weather!
What inspires or motivates you?
My husband and kids for sure. They are my biggest supporters and I work hard to show them that following your dreams is possible.
If you could do one thing for the world, what would it be?
I would show them that being kind to one another is the best way to live. Celebrate our differences because that’s what makes us all unique! Choosing to be kind and focusing on helping other people is what makes me happy. I am grateful I can help other makers with my creativity!

Anything else?
I have the most supportive husband ever and he’s my best friend in the world. I also have two boys (3 and 4) who are so sweet and smart. We have two dogs, one medium size mix from a rescue shelter and we just recently rescued a 5 year old chocolate lab named Cooper! I partner with We Crochet and Clover USA and love their yarns and hooks!

All About Oak + Willow LLC

How long have you been crocheting?
I started cross stitching when I was really little, but learned how to crochet in college (more than 10 years ago!)
When did you start your Oak + Willow?
I opened my Etsy shop and released my first patterns in August 2019
Why did you start?
In 2014, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and could no longer work during chemo treatments. Soon after treatment ended, I happily found out I was pregnant with my first son and had my second son very soon after. As most know, being a stay at home mama is an extremely rewarding but lonely job. After beating cancer, I knew I wanted to give back and make a difference in some way. It has been a long road, but it has led me to have the privilege of helping makers everyday. I am so thankful for this amazing community of crafters I have found.
What’s your favorite thing you’ve made?
The Be Kind Wall Hanging I designed
What’s a piece of advice for someone just starting out in your field?
Just be you! BE YOURSELF!! Don’t worry about trying to be like that awesome maker who made it big. Don’t try to be like that maker who got the great collaboration with someone. Because maybe that isn’t the right path for you! Go for your dreams, but stay true to yourself. Nobody wants to see a cookie cutter version of the same thing we’ve seen a million times. We wanna meet the real you! And it is so amazing when you just let go and decide to be yourself in real life and in the maker community. Above all, life should be fun! If you’re doing something that doesn’t bring you joy….just stop. Simple right?? Also, don’t be scared to reach out to other makers! It is such a great community and we love meeting and helping other makers. Feel free to reach out to me ANYTIME to ask questions. 🙂

Does your company have a mascot?
Nope but I am recognized for cross stitching on crochet or by an “X.”
What was your most memorable success?
When I had the idea to join my two loves (cross stitch and crochet) and people actually liked it! I was so nervous to release my designs but the response I’ve gotten has been absolutely amazing. It was so surreal to be able to put myself into my designs and other makers like them as much as I do!
What was your most memorable challenge?
My biggest challenge has always been learning how to get out of my own way. I tend to overthink things a lot and when I started last year, I was a giant ball of doubt. I felt like I wasn’t good enough to even call myself a designer. But I chose to overcome that and I woke up every morning and told myself that “I am a designer and I am meant to do this.”
How did or are you overcoming this challenge?
It’s a challenge every day but I remind myself why I am doing this and how much this makes me happy. So I push the doubt and worries aside…and with a lot of tea and googling, I research constantly and learn all these new dimensions to this amazing job of owning my own business.
What’s next for Oak + Willow?
So many big things are coming! I wish I could share my big goal with you, but for now I’d like to keep it to myself. 🙂 Ultimately, I love helping other makers decorate their homes without spending a ton of money. I love helping this community anyway I can.

The Future for Oak + Willow LLC

What’s your latest project?
I’m currently working on a Thanksgiving bundle which will include 5 new designs!
Where did the inspiration come from for this project?
I love to host Thanksgiving every year so I designed this with the hosts and hostesses in mind.
Have there been any challenges with this project?
Finding the time to get it all done! I homeschool my boys (preschool) and my husband works long hours so I work hard to keep a nice work/family balance.
Will this be free or paid?
Paid patterns, although I do have a couple free patterns on my website.
Where can we find this project when it’s finished?
You can find all of my patterns on my website, Etsy, and Ravelry!
When will it be finished?
November I will have a bunch of new patterns released. However, I am constantly releasing new designs! I try to give makers a few designs a month. I also have monthly themed dish towels that come out the 1st of every month. I always have something new for makers to get excited about!
Go and give Katlyn some LOVE! Like, share, or purchase a few of her wonderful patterns. Remember, supporting Katlyn is supporting a small business and a local maker’s dream.
Here are the links:
Instagram: @oakandwillowllc
Website: oakandwillowllc.com
Ravelry: Click Here
Etsy: Click Here
If you’d like to purchase her Always Forward pillow pattern, 10% of each sale of this pattern goes directly to American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. I know Katlyn would appreciate it!
Comment below if you have any questions for Katlyn or Oak + Willow LLC.
And THANK YOU so much for reading and joining along on our Maker Spotlight. You can see a new maker right here EVERY Monday. I have some AMAZING makers lined up and I cannot wait to share them with you.
xoxo, Lindsey
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