Let's give a warm welcome to Karly, owner of Cloth & Twig

All About Karly
Where are you located?
Southern California
Do you have a job outside of this?
Being the best mom I can be 🙂
What’s your dream vacation spot?
Somewhere tropical that exudes relaxation and pampering.
What’s your favorite color(s)?
I’m mostly in the neutral camp for clothing (read: black, white, grey, and blush pink) but my home style is very eclectic in color! I love mixing colors and prints.
What’s your favorite food/meal?
I’m a sucker for pizza. But, there is this one restaurant here by the beach that does a lobster club sandwich that I sometimes dream about. lol
What’s your least favorite food/meal?
I don’t think I have a least but I’m not too adventurous with food. Some would say picky, but I just like what I like. 😉
Do you have a favorite movie or TV show?
Hands down The Office and Mad Men for tv. I don’t have a single favorite movie but if given the choice, I will always choose comedy.
What’s a quote that you live by?
It’s not a particular ‘live by’ quote but it pretty much describes me
“I knew exactly what to do, but in a much more real sense I had no idea what to do.” — Michael Scott
Do you have other hobbies?
I’ve recently found a love for sewing and am working on getting better at quilting this year!
What’s 1 (or more) weird/strange fact(s) about you?
I have a nightly cup of coffee and still fall asleep at a reasonable hour.

If you had a theme song, WHAT would it be?
Think of a quirky upbeat song…that would be it!
Do you have a favorite holiday?
Christmas! I’m a sucker for the tradition, coziness, and togetherness
What inspires or motivates you?
The feeling of accomplishment and growth. It drives me to be better not just for me but those around me.
If you could do one thing for the world (people or environment), what would it be?
I would want to tell everyone that they DO have something to share. I want everyone to know that the gifts that they have, whether it’s something tangible, artistic, or even that they have a great smile, it’s something to offer the world.
Anything else?
Been married for 13 years and have 2 amazing girls. I love to sing and do often at my church on the worship team. I love coffee and can pretty much drink it all day.

All About Cloth & Twig

How long have you been cross stitching?
I’ve been cross stitching for 6 years now
When did you start Cloth & Twig?
I started Cloth & Twig in 2015
Why did you start?
I started on a whim actually! I was making them for friends and then decided to branch out. I ended up selling a few in one day and haven’t stopped since!
What’s your favorite thing you’ve made?
Oh so many things over the years! I’d say one of my favorite pieces was a 24 person family portrait! It came out so clean & crisp.
What’s a piece of advice for someone just starting out in your field?
Dont compare your talent to any one else! Allow yourself to make mistakes and have a teachable mindset.

What was your most memorable success?
Being asked to teach and present at a cross stitch seminar! Although they were virtual, I was so honored to be able to share my knowledge with others that also love cross stitching!
What was your most memorable challenge?
I overexerted my time with one project, as I’m sure we all have. It was a commissioned project of a cross stitched bag. It took me a year! I had to chip away at it a little at a time and I’m so thankful for patience customers.
What’s next for Cloth & Twig?
Whats next is still to be worked out completely but I know I want to incorporate more sewing into my business. I am planning changing up my family portrait offerings and pairing down the options. I will be changing to focus more on what I can create and not 100% on custom work. 2020 has taught me to streamline better to maintain a good business and home life balance!

What’s your latest project?
I am always working on cross stitch commissions but I am also currently working on finishing my first quilt.
You can find majority of my finished projects on Instagram or order anything through my website www.clothandtwigshop.com

Go and give Karly some LOVE! Like, share, or check out her beautiful cross stitch portraits. Remember, supporting Karly is supporting a small business and a local maker’s dream.
I love her house portrait! I hope I can create a cross stitch house that beautiful someday!
Here are the links:
Instagram: @clothandtwig
Facebook: Click Here
Website: www.clothandtwigshop.com
Comment below if you have any questions for Karly or Cloth & Twig
And THANK YOU so much for reading and joining along on our Maker Spotlight. You can see a new maker right here EVERY Monday. I have some AMAZING makers lined up and I cannot wait to share them with you.
xoxo, Lindsey
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