Let's give a warm welcome to Chelsea, owner of Auburn Hoops

All About Chelsea
Where are you located?
Do you have a job outside of this?
Yes. I am a full time stay at home mom. It’s the best paying job I’ve ever had! *wink
But truly, being a stay
at home mom has always been the goal and I’m so grateful I get to do so. Auburn Hoops was a blessing I never expected but it’s my side gig and my little ones are full time. If you’re a mom I’m sure you understand that statement completely, they are a FULL time job; constant chaos and messes but their sweet faces are worth every second of it. Like I said it the best paying job, they just pay in snuggles and kisses.
What’s your dream vacation spot?
I would have to go with Italy. There are so many places I’d like to visit. I haven’t traveled much, until a few years ago I had never been out of the country. Italy has always been a cream though. My grandfather was from Italy and he was an amazing man; an immigrant with no opportunity who worked hard to build
an amazing career and become and entrepreneur!
What’s your favorite color(s)?
I can never decide. I have legitimately overthought this question so much. Am I so weird? But the short answer, yellow. At least that’s what I tell everyone because its easier to just pick one and who doesn’t love a cheery yellow.
What’s your favorite food/meal?
I’ll go with Chicken Pad Thai. It’s not because I love it so much, it is pretty tasty but because of the memories it holds. Before my husband and I dated we were good friends and enjoyed cooking new
recipes together. We attempted making Pad Thai several times and were never successful. Today, we just order take out after the kids are in bed for a date night in.
What’s your least favorite food/meal?
Raw onions. Yuck. I will eat them cooked but I cannot fathom how anyone can eat them raw. In case you’re as confused as I am, yes people actually like them raw on salads, hamburgers, etc.
Do you have a favorite movie or TV show?
Pride and Prejudice. I love both the BBC and the 2005 version, I tend to alternate between the two. It’s one of the few movies that I will watch a second time. And third, and forth, and so on.

What’s a quote that you live by?
I couldn’t pick just one. It changes with the seasons of life. The past couple years though God has laid Psalm 100 on my heart over and over again. I have had a few tough losses in the last few years and when it was hard to praise God, this was the passage he gave me. He reminded me that he is good and that his steadfast love endures forever, even when I don’t understand it.
Do you have other hobbies?
I’ve recently been dabbling in painting and really enjoying it! My father is an amazing painter but I have
never fully experimented with the medium so it’s kind of fun to do things his way!
What’s 1 (or more) weird/strange fact(s)
about you?
I have a Bachelors degree in Biology and a Masters degree in Christian Studies. Neither of which I use
professionally. Its always weird to explain my educational background to people because it doesn’t really make sense but it’s just how life panned out.
If you had a theme song, WHAT would it be?
I feel like this should be a fun answer but prepare yourself, I’m about to get serious. I would choose Lord I Come. It’s a song I have sang to all my babies (especially during the long tough nights). The heart of the song is so simple, they basically proclaim my desperate need for the Lord. I am a broken and imperfect person in need of God’s grace and when I fall short I know I can depend on Him.
What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done in your life?
Soon after my husband and I got married we took a cross country road trip from Ohio to Arizona and
several places in between…in 11 days. It was a whirlwind and we drove so much but we really enjoy road trips together. It was awesome. But that’s not the crazy part. Two of the days were spent at the bottom of
the Grand Canyon. The whole trip was planned spontaneously and when I saw pictures of gorgeous
waterfalls at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, I was determined to see them, so with out any training or
proper gear, we hiked 9 miles down into the Canyon slept on hard rocky soil for two nights while intermittently icing our feet in the freezing cold beautiful waterfall anxiously awaiting our hike out. It was not my brightest moment but hey, it makes a great story to tell the kids!
Do you have a favorite holiday?
I love Easter. I think that the meaning of Easter is so incredibly important and yet we tend to overlook it
with just a few easter egg hunts and some candy.
Do you have a favorite season?
Fall in Ohio is so beautiful. There are so many colorful trees (maples are my favorite) and it’s the best time for hiking!

All About Auburn Hoops
How long have you been doing embroidery?
I have been embroidering since 2015.
When did you start Auburn Hoops?
I started my first embroidery business soon after having my first child in 2015 selling my embroidery art and then Auburn Hoops was born in 2017 soon after having my second baby.
Why did you start?
I started embroidering as a pastime while in the final days of my first pregnancy. Pregnancy is not my
favorite so it was my way of distracting myself as I anxiously awaited the birth of my first baby. Auburn
Hoops was started after selling my embroidery art for a little while and recognizing a need for a frame for embroidery art. I was selling my art finished in an old fashion screw top embroidery hoop and I was
embarrassed that it looked unfinished. When I searched for a frame there was nothing that existed at the time so my husband and I dreamt up Auburn Hoops!
What’s your favorite thing you’ve made?
My favorite thing to make are embroideries of bridal bouquets. That’s what I was selling in my first etsy
shop. Every now and then I’ll pick up a commission for one because I enjoy them so much. I don’t think I could pick just one favorite though. Every flower and arrangement is a new and beautiful challenge. It’s so fun to see the pieces come together as I stitch.

What’s a piece of advice for someone just starting out in your field?
Find your own style or unique product. Once you do it takes the pressure off you to perform or live up to
others expectations and to embrace your style of art.
Does your company have a mascot?
We do not, but soon after we opened we realized we had the same name as Auburn Hoops basketball
team. It’s not a big deal but we do run into the occasional mix up on social media with hashtags and such.
What was your most memorable success?
Last July we officially got our patent! Protecting our hoop design was a huge risk and it was so exciting to
finally have it in hand!
What was your most memorable challenge?
I think my challenge will always be prioritizing being a mom while running a business. Both require so
much of me.
How did or are you overcoming this challenge?
I’m learning how to delegate. Even when they are simple business tasks that I could easily do, sometimes my time can be more valuable spent elsewhere.
What’s next for your Auburn Hoops?
I’m hoping to create some new products. I have some dreams but the details are still being fleshed out.

The Future for Auburn Hoops
What’s your latest project?
I just finished creating a pattern that is inspired by the view out an airplane window. It was such a fun
pattern to stitch. The colors and textures are just lovely. I am also working on a project that is still a
secret but I can give you a hint… there is a reason that I’m diving into my painting skills.
Where did the inspiration come from for this project?
For my painting project, my inspiration all came from a piece of wood, a blank canvas.
Have there been any challenges with this project?
Absolutely! I call it the birthing pains anytime I am dreaming up some new big idea and working out all
the kinks. There’s troubleshooting and experimenting and sometimes it’s frustrating but mostly I enjoy
the process. Every time I create a new pattern I get to think through all the stitch variations and decide which I think will work best, which direction it will go, what color it will be, and it’s so exciting to get to see it all come together.
Will this be free or paid?
Both the pattern and the secret project will be in our shop. The pattern will be coming soon!
Where can we find this?
On our website www.auburnhoops.co . For all the updates you can sign up for our newsletter at the
bottom of the page on our website.
When will it be finished?
The pattern will be in the shop this week! And the other project will launch early April!
Go and give Chelsea some LOVE! Like, share, or check out her beautiful patterns and hoops. Remember, supporting Chelsea is supporting a small business and a local maker’s dream.
Here are the links:
Instagram: @auburnhoops
Website: www.auburnhoops.co
Facebook: Click Here
Comment below if you have any questions for Chelsea or Auburn Hoops!
And THANK YOU so much for reading and joining along on our Maker Spotlight. You can see a new maker right here EVERY Monday. I have some AMAZING makers lined up and I cannot wait to share them with you.
xoxo, Lindsey
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