Welcome to my FIRST blog/website. I am SO excited!
<insert happy dance>
Hey friends. My name is Lindsey and I LOVE creating. Ever since I was little, I’ve loved to draw, color, and just about anything to do with arts and crafts. I may not have been very good at every art project I’ve attempted, but dang, I just loved creating. When I was 12, my aunt taught my sister and I how to crochet. It was so cool to be able to make something out of yarn. My first project was a Harry Potter scarf. Was it perfect? Nope. I had a tough time counting my stitches and keeping my edges straight. Was I proud of it? YES! I still have that scarf and it serves as a reminder of where I started. After creating a few other wonky scarves and a hat, I didn’t pick up the a crochet hook or yarn for almost 13 years. I had found some yarn at a garage sale and figured, what the heck. I purchased it and found my original hook. I decided to give crochet a whirl again. Thank goodness for YouTube and all of the beginner videos. After making a few beanies for my (at the time) two little kiddos and sharing the pictures on Facebook, a few friends commissioned me to make them beanies. After sending out those orders, they left me wonderful reviews and encouraged me to open an Etsy shop. While I didn’t pursue Etsy just then, I did start a Facebook business page and thus began my journey as PugLove Crochet. Since then, I’ve participated in a few craft shows around the great state of Wisconsin, landed a spot at The Local (a small shop for makers) and The Poppy Seed and I’ve made hundreds of beanies for lovely customers.
When I’m not creating (which is very rare), you can always find me with my amazing family. My husband (who works during the day) helps me a lot with my business: sanding boards, driving me to craft stores, setting up/taking down at all the craft shows and just overall positive support. My kiddos love to help in their own ways. My oldest, Alivia, is learning to cross stitch and comes with me to smaller events to sell her creations. My middle, Atticus, enjoys helping me pick out colors. And my youngest, Theodore, likes to help me by reorganizing all of my hooks and knitting needles. When we aren’t busy with school and work, we LOVE to adventure. That includes hiking, biking, camping, and traveling. If there’s a state or national park near by, we go.
My thought behind this blog was to create a space for me to share my thoughts, my patterns (all FREE on my blog), and all my crazy fiber art ideas that constantly bombard my brain. My hope is that you’ll join me on this adventure. I enjoy making items and am ready to show them to the digital world. Will you join me?
xoxo, Lindsey