Let's give a warm welcome to Erin, owner of Lizzy Knits!

Where are you located?
Grayslake, IL
Do you have a job outside of Lizzy Knits?
Not presently, I became a stay at home mom 6 years ago.
What’s your dream vacation spot?
Iceland, my husband and I are planning on going next year
for our 10 year anniversary
What’s your favorite color(s)?
Green, Gray, and Pink
What’s your favorite food/meal?
Deep dish pizza
Do you have a favorite movie or TV show?
I love the office, my husband and I are a little
obsessive about it, haha! My favorite movie is Lost in Translation, I’m a huge Bill Murray fan
Do you have other hobbies other than knitting?
I love to bike, hike, and
go to the beach with the kids. We also love jigsaw puzzles and legos over here.

Do you have a favorite season?
Fall for sure! I love the coolness in the air before the freezing cold sets in. (Gotta love Chicago winters!)
What inspires or motivates you?
I love being able to create and grow my business while also
staying home with the kids. I hope I can continue to stay home with them when they get a little older too.
Anything else?
My name is Erin, I am the owner of Lizzy Knits, LLC. And, just to clarify, Lizzy comes from my
middle name, Elizabeth. I live in the Chicago suburbs with my husband and our 3 children, ages 7, 6, and 3. (and our Cairn Terrier, Daisy). I previously managed the office of a demolition company for 10 years before becoming a stay at home mama. I absolutely love knitting and creating patterns for others to enjoy.

All About Lizzy Knits

When did you start Lizzy Knits?
I started crocheting in high school, about 20 years
ago and picked up knitting when I was in college shortly after.
Why did you start?
I’ve actually always wondered why I liked this craft in particular so much. Honestly, I think I like to keep my hands busy and I can knit while I watch TV at night (and not sit and play on my phone instead!). I also really love the complexity of cable knitting. To me, it’s like a little puzzle, I love it!
What’s your favorite thing you’ve made?
I made each of the kids a baby blanket while I was pregnant with them. I feel like each of them were created with extra love and I was just so excited to meet these little guys.
What’s a piece of advice for someone just starting out in your field?
Please have a lot of patience and don’t give up quickly. Learning to knit can be very frustrating, but it helps to take breaks and try again later if you are getting discouraged. I took me a loooong time to get
comfortable with advanced techniques.

The Future for Lizzy Knits
What’s your latest project?
My newest pattern is the ‘Big Waves Beanie’
Where did the inspiration come from for this project?
I wanted to make a super bulky weight version of my previous bulky weight ‘Waves Beanie.’ Plus, I just love cables!
Have there been any challenges with this project?
A few, it was hard to translate the original pattern and cut down the stitch count for the larger weight yarn. I ended up tweaking the cable layout and making a larger stitch set to be repeated.
Will this be free or paid?
This pattern is available on Ravelry and Etsy for $5.00

Go and give Erin some LOVE! Like, share, or check out her beautiful knitting patterns. Remember, supporting Erin is supporting a small business and a local maker’s dream.
Here are the links:
Instagram: @lizzy_knits
Ravelry: Click Here
Etsy: Click Here
Facebook: Click Here
Erin puts a lot of time and love into each pattern design. The Prairie Beanie was one I helped test, and it’s my favorite one to make!
Comment below if you have any questions for Erin or Lizzy Knits.
And THANK YOU so much for reading and joining along on our Maker Spotlight. You can see a new maker right here EVERY Monday. I have some AMAZING makers lined up and I cannot wait to share them with you.
xoxo, Lindsey
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