Let's give a warm welcome to Laura Ruth, owner of Cozy Cole Creations
All About Laura Ruth

Where do you live?
Rockwood, Ontario
Do you have a job outside of Cozy Cole Creations?
My full-time job is as a social worker in child welfare
What’s your dream vacation?
I’m not really interested much in travelling, but I’d love just a low-key relaxing weekend at a cabin.
What’s your favorite colors?
What’s your favorite season?
Definitely fall!
What’s your favorite holiday?
Anything else?
I’ve been married to my husband, Kyle, for almost 5 years now and we have an almost 4 year old daughter named Lyla. We just moved into our forever home in the small town of Rockwood, Ontario 4 months ago from another small town and we love it here! My mother-in-law and her partner moved into our basement and it’s been amazing so far having our daughter able to grow up with a grandparent onsite.

All About Cozy Cole Creations
Why did you start?
I started my hobby just after our wedding. I was inspired by my husband’s cousin who made us a crochet blanket as our wedding present – it was our favourite gift! I became pregnant shortly after our wedding, and crochet was such an amazing way for me to feel productive during my first trimester, when I was so tired and spending my evenings watching tv on the couch. After our daughter was born, I was encouraged to sell my products, so I did…and the rest is history. I started designing and selling my crochet and knitting patterns a few years ago and love this aspect of my business so much.
How long have you been making?
I’ve been crocheting for almost 5 years now, and knitting for approximately 3 years.
What’s a good piece of advice?
DO NOT compare your beginning with others’ middle or end. Everyone started off in the same place and has different goals, situations, and abilities. Also, don’t undercharge! Your work is beautiful and takes a lot of time and energy, in addition to the cost of materials. Pay yourself. It does take awhile to get comfortable with this, but do it.
What’s your most memorable challenge?
Last year I set a “reach for the stars” financial goal for myself and was able to hit it! It was a nail biter for sure, especially since I make 3/4 of my sales in the final 1/3 of the year, but I’m so glad I set that goal.
What’s next for Cozy Cole Creations?
This year has been obviously difficult due to COVID-19, and I’ve had to change my plans for the year a bit. Moving forward, I’m hoping to be able to continue to grow my business both in pattern sales, as well as with my Cozy Blanket Scarves, in addition to my knit and crochet items. I’d like to get my own website up and running as well.

New Pattern

What’s your latest project?
I just released my newest knit beanie pattern, the Elmira Beanie.
Where did the inspiration come from for this project?
I get a lot of my pattern inspiration from some of my stitch books that I have. The real inspiration for my patterns is when it comes to naming them. I love small-town living, and I name my patterns after small towns in Ontario. This most recent pattern is named after the small town I lived in for the last 3.5 years – Elmira, Ontario. We just moved from Elmira approximately 4 months ago and really miss it, but also love our new small town of Rockwood (which I named my last pattern after).
Have there been any challenges with this project?
YES! The big challenge with this project was getting the sizing right, as it was my first time doing a pattern that had 6 sizes. However, my group of eight testers (including Lindsey) was absolutely amazing, and really worked together to help me figure everything out.
Will this be free or paid?
This is a paid pattern. From now until Friday, August 7, ALL of my digital crochet and knit patterns are 25% off in my Etsy shop to celebrate my latest release.
Where can we find this pattern?
On my Etsy page (Click HERE!)
When will it be finished?
JUST released on July 31st!
Contact Information for Cozy Cole Creations
Go and give Laura Ruth some LOVE! Like, share, or buy a few patterns. Remember, supporting Laura Ruth is supporting a small business and a local maker’s dream.
Here are her links:
Instagram: @cozycolecreations
Etsy: Cozy Cole Creations
Facebook: Cozy Cole Creations
If you’d like to purchase her newest pattern-The Elmira Beanie, I know Laura Ruth would appreciate it. She worked hard on this pattern and deserves our love and support.
Comment below if you have any questions for Laura Ruth or about Cozy Cole Creations.
And THANK YOU so much for reading and joining along on our Maker Spotlight. You can see a new maker right here EVERY Monday. I have some AMAZING makers lined up and I cannot wait to share them with you.
xoxo, Lindsey
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